Monday, July 26, 2010

mental health

14% Fully Recover After First Episode of Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder
Researchers followed 118 individuals in their first episode of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. After 5 years, only 13.7% of these individuals fully recovered. "Full recovery required concurrent remission of positive and negative symptoms and adequate social/vocational functioning (fulfillment of age-appropriate role expectations, performance of daily living tasks without supervision, and engagement in social interactions) for 2 years or more."

In its January 2010 Update, the United States Government Accountability Office predicts that the US government will be insolvent by 2020. Specifically (page 6) it states: ".. roughly 93 cents of every dollar of federal revenue will be spent on the major entitlement programs and net interest costs by 2020." Thus, in less than ten years, there will essentially be no money left to run the US government - 93% of all tax revenues the US government collects will go to pay social security, Medicare, Medicaid and the interest on the US national debt. This implies no money left over for welfare, unemployment benefits, education, defense, homeland security, or any other government activity. The former Soviet Union did not collapse because it was attacked; it collapsed because it was broke,
We now offer state-of-the-art, interactive psychiatric tools at our new website, MyTherapy. You can use your computer to: make psychiatric diagnoses, keep a private diary (to document, graph and statistically analyze your week-by-week progress), test your brain (memory, concentration, verbal fluency, orientation, and thinking speed or executive functioning), and statistically test whether your current treatments have been successful.

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